====== User Guide ====== {{description>BSD Router Project User Guide}} ===== Hardware Compatibility List ===== To run BSDRP, you will need: * A 4GB flash disk (such as Compact Flash, USB stick, or mSATA module). * At least 1GB of RAM. All hardware supported by the latest FreeBSD release is compatible with BSDRP, except for some drivers that have been removed (e.g., wireless, PCMCIA, SCSI, USB printer, and FireWire). ===== Filename convention ===== BSDRP image filenames follow this pattern: BSDRP_//release//_//image type//_//arch//_//console//.img.xz The value //image type// can be: * full : For full installation, includes the bootloader, system, and data partitions. * upgrade : For system upgrades, includes only one system partition The value //arch// can be: * i386 : For older x86 CPUs (i486, i586, i686). * amd64 : For modern x86 64-bit CPUs (Intel and AMD) The value //console// can be: * vga: For VGA and keyboard use or KVM, but serial port is also accessible. * serial: For headless systems using only the serial port. Examples: * BSDRP_0.3_full_i386_vga.img: Full image for i386, VGA console. * BSDRP_0.3_upgrade_amd64_serial.img: Upgrade image for amd64, serial console. The *.mtree.xz files are used for system integrity check. ===== Installation ===== === To a flash media (CF/USB) === == Windows users == Here are the 2 steps for writing the image to a CF/flasg/USB removable media: - Decompress the BSDRP image using [[http://www.7-zip.org/|7-Zip]] to get a .img file. - Use [[http://win32diskimager.sourceforge.net/|Image Writer for Windows]] to write the .img file to your CF/flash/USB device. == *BSD or Linux users == Connect your flash or USB drive and note its device name. Decompress the image and copy it to your drive using a byte copy command. Then unzip the file and byte copy it to your drive (**Warning: Be sure to double-check the destination disk!**): xzcat BSDRP_full_amd64_vga.1.0.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sd4 bs=256k You can boot from this media now. == Mac OS X users == Insert the USB key, and display list of external devices: % diskutil list | grep external /dev/disk3 (external, physical): Check if it is already mounted % mount | grep '/dev/disk3' /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local) fdesc on /dev (fdesc, union) map -hosts on /net (autofs, automounted) map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted) /dev/disk3s1 on /Volumes/UNTITLED (msdos, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners) The last line is your USB device. Unmount it and write the BSDRP image to the device adding the 'r' letter: sudo umount -f /dev/disk3s1 xzcat BSDRP_full_amd64_vga.1.0.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/rdisk3 bs=1m If successful, OSX will pop up an error dialog telling you it doesn't recognise the disk. Click 'Eject', remove the USB key, and you're done. === To an hard drive === Boot BSDRP from the previously generated usb key, then from BSDRP, display the BSDRP system diskname: [root@router]~# glabel status | grep BSDRP ufs/BSDRPs3 N/A da1s3 ufs/BSDRPs4 N/A da1s4 ufs/BSDRPs1a N/A da1s1a => On this example BSDRP is on disk da1 (USB key) Display all the system disks: [root@router]# sysctl kern.disks kern.disks: da1 da0 ada0 => On this example, because da1 is the BSDRP disk, ada0 is the hard-drive where we want install BSDRP. Then copy the BSDRP disk to the hard-drive: [root@router]# system install ada0 Copying 487MB from da1 to ada0... 487+0 records in 487+0 records out 510656512 bytes transferred in 30.351293 secs (16824868 bytes/sec) Reboot your system (and don't forget to remove the USB key). Once rebooted from your hard drive, you can expand the /data slice for using all the free space: system expand-data-slice === Special notes for PC-Engines === == Alix platform == You need to use [[http://www.pcengines.ch/alix2.htm|BIOS revision 0.99h]] minimum. You can use the [[https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/ALIX_BIOS_Update_Procedure|pfSense Alix BIOS update FreeDOS image disk]] for an easy upgrade. ===== Quick start ===== Login as root with no password. If you are using the serial version, serial port parameters are: 115200,8,N,1,MODEM. Start by using the help: help Create a password for root (mandatory for SSH): passwd For a routing protocol daemons, you have choice between bird or FRRouting (Quaga fork). As an example, for starting FRR and enter into its cli mode: sysrc frr_enable=yes service frr start cli Do your frr configuration, and save frr config and exit cli: wr exit Then save all changes (you can avoid this by enabling autosave feature): config save ===== Configuration files ===== All modifications done in configuration files (/etc/*, /usr/local/etc/*) need to be saved before a reboot. Use the config command for saving configuration: [root@R1]~#config BSD Router Project configuration tool Usage: /usr/local/sbin/config option - diff : Show diff between current and saved config - save : Save current config - apply : Apply current config - rollback : Revert to previous config - put : Put the saved config to a remote server - get : Get config from remote server - reset : Return to default configuration - help (h) [option] : Display this help message. If [option] given, display more detail about the option Don't modify /boot/loader.conf: Your changes will be lost after an upgrade. In place, create a new file /boot/loader.conf.local and put your modifications on this file. ===== Upgrading examples ===== ==== From BSDRP directly ==== === HTTP/FTP fetch without checking SHA256 ==== Directly download and send output to xzcat+upgrade: fetch 'http://URL/BSDRP-upgrade.image.xz' -o - | xzcat | upgrade Real example to upgrade to 1.96: fetch 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/bsdrp/files/BSD_Router_Project/1.96/amd64/BSDRP-1.96-upgrade-amd64-serial.img.xz/download' -o - | xzcat | upgrade === SSH fetch without checking SHA256 ==== Same than previously, but using SSH: ssh my-user@my-ssh-server cat /path-to/BSDRP-upgrade.image.xz | xzcat | upgrade === Using a SCP Client or fetching upgrade file from BSDRP === This method required: * A minimum of 60MB of free RAM on your BSDRP (mem_avail value in the "show mem" output) * One of this: * Sending the upgrade file + sha256 with a SCP client ([[http://filezilla-project.org/|FileZilla]] or [[http://winscp.net|WinSCP]] as example) * Or downloading upgrade file directly from BSDRP Resume: - Create a TMPFS (RAM disk) directory - Transfer BSDRP image upgrade file + sha256 on the ram disk using the SCP client or download the image directly - Check SHA256 - Upgrade the system Step 1: Creating the ram disk On BSDRP, enter theses commands for creating a RAM drive: mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/ Step 2: Transferring image file + sha256 in the temporary RAM drive Using your SCP client, send the BSDRP upgrade image to the router's **/mnt** folder. Or download them from BSDRP: cd /mnt fetch URL/BSDRP-upgrade.image.xz fetch URL/BSDRP-upgrade.image.sha256 Step 3: After transfer complete, On BSDRP, enter this command: sha256 -c `cat BSDRP-upgrade.image.sha256 | cut -d ' ' -f 4` BSDRP-upgrade.image.xz && echo "good" || echo "bad" xzcat /mnt/BSDRP-upgrade.image.xz | upgrade umount /mnt ==== From a *nix server ==== This method required a SSH client (all Linux/Unix should include it). From the client, enter this command: cat BSDRP_1.2_upgrade_amd64_vga.img.xz | ssh root@a.b.c.d "xzcat | upgrade" ===== Security ===== ==== SSH access ==== SSH access with the root user is not available by default: You need to set-up a password for the root account before with the **passwd** command. Example: [root@R1]~# passwd Changing local password for root New Password: XXXXXXXX Retype New Password: XXXXXXXX ==== System integrity check ==== [[:downloads#mtree_files_system_integrity_check|Reference mtree file are provided]] for checking the integrity of all your files on your router. You can check your BSDRP system integrity using these references files by downloading the corresponding file into your router and using "system integrity" command. As example, if you are using 0.35 amd64-serial release, from your BSDRP router (if it had DNS resolution and Internet access configured): cd /tmp fetch http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/bsdrp/BSD_Router_Project/0.35/BSDRP_0.35_amd64_serial.mtree.xz system integrity BSDRP_0.35_amd64_serial.mtree.xz ===== System Management ===== ==== autosave configuration ==== All modifications in configuration files done into /etc and /usr/local/etc needs to be saved with "config save" command. (/etc and /usr/local/etc is a ram disk). You can enable service autosave for automatically issue command "config save" each time a modification is detected into /etc or /usr/local/etc. sysrc autosave_enable=yes service autosave start ==== Serial port ==== === Enabling dual console vga/serial === If you are using the vga release of BSDRP, you can enable the serial access (COM1) with the command system dual-console === baud rate === Serial port baud rate need to be modified in 2 different files: * /boot.config * /etc/ttys For modifying the /boot.config file you need to mount RW the /: mount -uw / Change the speeed value just after the "-S" option (don't remove the other -D or/and -h options!) in the /boot.config file. Check that you didn't have legacy values (boot_serial, comconsole_speed, console) configured on your /boot/loader.conf.local: There are useless with the use of /boot.config. Once done, mount RO /: mount -ur / Then edit etc/ttys and change the baud rate in line ttyu0 (if you need to change the first serial port). === Changing the default serial port used for console === If you need to change the default serial port to use for console (like Supermicro that use COM2 for sol): * Start by displaying the list of available serial ports * Then change the value in /boot/loader.conf.local root@bsdrp# grep uart /var/run/dmesg.boot uart0: <16550 or compatible> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on acpi0 uart0: console (38400,n,8,1) uart1: <16550 or compatible> port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0 root@bsdrp# mount -uw / root@bsdrp# echo 'comconsole_port="0x2f8"' >> /boot/loader.conf.local root@bsdrp# mount -ur / ==== IPMI ==== If you need to configure the local IPMI board, you have to load the IPMI drivers. Edit /etc/rc.conf and check that module "ipmi" is declared on the kld_list variable: kld_list='ipmi' You can load it from the shell too: kldload ipmi Then you can use [[http://ipmitool.sourceforge.net/|ipmitool]] for configuring it. For connecting with IPMI to serial port with IPMI SOL (Serial over lAN) from a remote machine, change the baud-rate of the serial line to 115200 and to connect to it (example with default password for IBM x3550): ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD sol set non-volatile-bit-rate 115.2 ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD sol set volatile-bit-rate 115.2 ipmitool -H -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -I lanplus -a sol activate ==== Watchdog ==== Add to /etc/rc.conf: # Load Intel ICH watchdog interrupt timer driver kld_list='ichwd' # Start watchdogd dameon watchdogd_enable="yes" And start it: kldload ichwd service watchdogd start If you already load ipmi module, watchdogd can use IPMI in place of ichwd. ==== SNMP ==== Enable bsdnmpd: sysrc bsnmpd_enable=YES Edit /etc/snmpd.config according to your needs and start the daemon: service bsnmpd start Then you can check it locally (it uses public as default snmp community): [root@BSDRP]~# bsnmpget sysDescr.0 sysDescr.0 = router.bsdrp.net 2059309898 FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p1 ==== Syslog ==== For generating syslog message, just edit /etc/syslog.conf and check the example: # uncomment this to enable logging to a remote loghost named loghost #*.* @loghost Then restart syslogd: service syslogd restart BSDRP v1.4 and earlier have a default configuration that prevent remote syslog. This behavior can be changed by editing /etc/rc.conf.misc and replacing syslogd_flags="-ss" by syslogd_falgs="-s" ==== Firmware Upgrade ==== === Mellanox === Stat by identifying your NIC ID: # mstfwmanager Querying Mellanox devices firmware ... Device #1: ---------- Device Type: ConnectX4 Part Number: MCX416A-CCA_Ax Description: ConnectX-4 EN network interface card; 100GbE dual-port QSFP28; PCIe3.0 x16; ROHS R6 PSID: MT_2150110033 PCI Device Name: pci0:2:0:0 Base GUID: e41d2d0300fdbd90 Base MAC: e41d2dfdbd90 Versions: Current Available FW 12.26.1040 N/A PXE 3.5.0803 N/A UEFI 14.19.0014 N/A Status: No matching image found Then go to the [[https://www.mellanox.com/page/firmware_download|Mellanox firmware web site]] in section "Device Type" -> "Part Number" -> "PSID", then fetch it into your BSDRP and upgrade it: # mount /data # cd /data # fetch http://www.mellanox.com/downloads/firmware/fw-ConnectX4-rel-12_26_4012-MCX416A-CCA_Ax-UEFI-14.19.17-FlexBoot-3.5.805.bin.zip # unzip fw-ConnectX4-rel-12_26_4012-MCX416A-CCA_Ax-UEFI-14.19.17-FlexBoot-3.5.805.bin.zip # mstfwmanager -u -i fw-ConnectX4-rel-12_26_4012-MCX416A-CCA_Ax-UEFI-14.19.17-FlexBoot-3.5.805.bin Querying Mellanox devices firmware ... Device #1: ---------- Device Type: ConnectX4 Part Number: MCX416A-CCA_Ax Description: ConnectX-4 EN network interface card; 100GbE dual-port QSFP28; PCIe3.0 x16; ROHS R6 PSID: MT_2150110033 PCI Device Name: pci0:2:0:0 Base GUID: e41d2d0300fdbd90 Base MAC: e41d2dfdbd90 Versions: Current Available FW 12.26.1040 12.26.4012 PXE 3.5.0803 3.5.0805 UEFI 14.19.0014 14.19.0017 Status: Update required --------- Found 1 device(s) requiring firmware update... Perform FW update? [y/N]: y Device #1: Updating FW ... Initializing image partition - OK Writing Boot image component - OK Done Restart needed for updates to take effect. ===== Debugging ===== ==== Enabling crash dump ==== === Local swap dump device === For saving and extracting a crash dump you need: * A swap partition with same size as your RAM size (will store the raw RAM dump) * A data partition with same size as your RAM size (for storing the extracted dump) For enabling crash dump, the steps are: - Configure a dump device that will be used for storing memory dump (can be an external USB key) - Increase size of /data for being able to store the memory dump - Configure to mount /data automatically (because next step needs it) - Configure to store dump into /data Here is an an example when we split data partition 4 in 2 BSD partitions: * One as swap * One as /data But if you can plug an USB key with a size=RAM size, you can avoid to expand your partition 4 and just using this device. Step to follows: - Delete partition 4 (/data) - Recreate partition 4 using full disk space - Create 2 BSD partitions in this new large partition 4: * partition s4a (4.2BSD) with a size= RAM size * partition s4b (swap) with a size= RAM size - Format s4a in UFS and enable dumpon on the swap Then we destroy the default small partition 4, and re-create a new one that will use the full disk size, and create BSD-partition inside it (MBR partition scheme allow only 4 partitions, then we're using sub-partition in BSD mode): gpart delete -i 4 da0 gpart add -t freebsd da0 bsdlabel -w /dev/da0s4 Now start the BSD partition editor: bsdlabel -e /dev/da0s4 and replace these lines: # /dev/da0s4: 8 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg] a: 284191428 16 unused 0 0 0 c: 284191428 0 unused 0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit by this one (size and fstype of line a: and b: modified, '*' mean automatic size): # /dev/da0s4: 8 partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg] a: 16G 16 4.2BSD 0 0 0 b: * * swap c: 284191428 0 unused 0 0 # "raw" part, don't edit Then quit the editor (:x) and format partition a (/data): newfs -UjL BSDRPs4 /dev/da0s4a sysrc dumpdev="/dev/da0s4b" sysrc dumpdir="/data/crash" sysrc dumpon_flags="-Z" sysrc savecore_enable=YES sed -i "" -e "/data/s/noauto/noatime/" /etc/fstab mount /data mkdir /data/crash chmod 700 /data/crash config save service dumpon start Now, during a crash it will wrote the core dump to : #14 0xffffffff8096c34a at taskqueue_run_locked+0x14a #15 0xffffffff8096d258 at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xe8 #16 0xffffffff808d4495 at fork_exit+0x85 #17 0xffffffff80d1b30e at fork_trampoline+0xe Uptime: 3m10s Dumping 1112 out of 16325 MB:..2%..11%..21%..31%..41%..51%..61%..71%..81%..91% Dump complete And after a reboot it will automatically extract the dump from dumpdevice and store it to /data/crash: [root@router]~# ll -h /data/crash/ total 100456 -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 2B Aug 30 14:57 bounds -rw------- 1 root wheel 487B Aug 30 14:57 info.0 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 6B Aug 30 14:57 info.last@ -> info.0 -rw------- 1 root wheel 115M Aug 30 14:57 vmcore.0 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 8B Aug 30 14:57 vmcore.last@ -> vmcore.0 === netdump === In case where you didn't have enough disk space to localy store dump, you can use netdump(4). On the receiving FreeBSD server (not your router): pkg install netdumpd service netdumpd enable service netdumpd start Then on your router, declare source interface to use, source IP address, gateway sysrc dumpdev=igb1 sysrc dumpon_flags="-s -c -g and enable it: # service dumpon restart kernel dumps on priority: device 0: /dev/null server address: client address: gateway address: ==== Installing debug symbols ==== Symbol files of kernel and binary are available in the separate DEBUG archive file. It needs: - Either 1Gbs of Free RAM for creating a large tmpfs or 1Gbs of free space in /data (use "system expand-data-slice") - The debug tar file needs to being extracted in /data/ (there is already a symlink from /usr/lib/debug pointing to /data/debug) Here in an example, by starting expanding the data slice: [root@router]~# system expand-data-slice There is (1.0G) available on your disk that can be use for /data Are you sure to repartition your disk ? (y/n)y (etc.) Done [root@router]~# mount /data [root@router]~# df -h /data/ Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/ufs/BSDRPs4 1G 16M 974M 1% /data [root@router]~# fetch "URL/BSDRP-1.60-debug-amd64.tar.xz" -o - | tar -C /data -xvf - ==== Analysing core dump ==== You need to install debug symbols first, then: kgdb /usr/lib/debug/boot/kernel/kernel.debug /data/crash/vmcore.0 GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD] Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "amd64-marcel-freebsd"... Unread portion of the kernel message buffer: Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode cpuid = 7; apic id = 0e fault virtual address = 0x0 fault code = supervisor write data, page not present instruction pointer = 0x20:0xffffffff80d5480e stack pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe0466ba61e0 frame pointer = 0x28:0xfffffe0466ba61e0 code segment = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b = DPL 0, pres 1, long 1, def32 0, gran 1 processor eflags = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0 current process = 1900 (pkt-gen) trap number = 12 panic: page fault cpuid = 7 KDB: stack backtrace: #0 0xffffffff80971167 at kdb_backtrace+0x67 #1 0xffffffff80929b72 at vpanic+0x182 #2 0xffffffff809299e3 at panic+0x43 #3 0xffffffff80d56e84 at trap_fatal+0x324 #4 0xffffffff80d57083 at trap_pfault+0x1e3 #5 0xffffffff80d56683 at trap+0x273 #6 0xffffffff80d39261 at calltrap+0x8 #7 0xffffffff8047c664 at cxgbe_netmap_reg+0x2f4 #8 0xffffffff8063d48c at netmap_hw_reg+0x2c #9 0xffffffff8063a93b at netmap_do_regif+0x2ab #10 0xffffffff8063b564 at netmap_ioctl+0xba4 #11 0xffffffff8063f14e at freebsd_netmap_ioctl+0x3e #12 0xffffffff8085e47c at devfs_ioctl+0xac #13 0xffffffff80eee78d at VOP_IOCTL_APV+0x8d #14 0xffffffff80a08901 at vn_ioctl+0x131 #15 0xffffffff8085ecdf at devfs_ioctl_f+0x1f #16 0xffffffff8098ed7b at kern_ioctl+0x29b #17 0xffffffff8098ea71 at sys_ioctl+0x171 Uptime: 4m41s Dumping 1112 out of 16325 MB:..2%..11%..21%..31%..41%..51%..61%..71%..81%..91% #0 doadump (textdump=) at pcpu.h:222 222 pcpu.h: No such file or directory. in pcpu.h (kgdb) backtrace #0 doadump (textdump=) at pcpu.h:222 #1 0xffffffff809295f9 in kern_reboot (howto=260) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c:366 #2 0xffffffff80929bab in vpanic (fmt=, ap=) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c:759 #3 0xffffffff809299e3 in panic (fmt=0x0) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c:690 #4 0xffffffff80d56e84 in trap_fatal (frame=0xfffffe0466ba6120, eva=0) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c:801 #5 0xffffffff80d57083 in trap_pfault (frame=0xfffffe0466ba6120, usermode=0) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c:658 #6 0xffffffff80d56683 in trap (frame=0xfffffe0466ba6120) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/amd64/amd64/trap.c:421 #7 0xffffffff80d39261 in calltrap () at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S:236 #8 0xffffffff80d5480e in bzero () at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/amd64/amd64/support.S:53 #9 0xffffffff8047c664 in cxgbe_netmap_reg (na=, on=) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/dev/cxgbe/t4_netmap.c:102 #10 0xffffffff8063d48c in netmap_hw_reg (na=0xfffff800055ba400, onoff=1) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/dev/netmap/netmap.c:2788 #11 0xffffffff8063a93b in netmap_do_regif (priv=, na=, ringid=, flags=) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/dev/netmap/netmap.c:2050 #12 0xffffffff8063b564 in netmap_ioctl (priv=, cmd=, data=0xfffffe0466ba69b0 "vcxl0", td=0xfffff8001509a500) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/dev/netmap/netmap.c:2257 #13 0xffffffff8063f14e in freebsd_netmap_ioctl (dev=, cmd=3225184658, data=0xfffffe0466ba69b0 "vcxl0", ffla=, td=0xfffff8001509a500) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/dev/netmap/netmap_freebsd.c:1389 #14 0xffffffff8085e47c in devfs_ioctl (ap=) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/fs/devfs/devfs_vnops.c:831 #15 0xffffffff80eee78d in VOP_IOCTL_APV (vop=, a=) at vnode_if.c:1067 #16 0xffffffff80a08901 in vn_ioctl (fp=0xfffff80015191f00, com=, data=0xfffffe0466ba69b0, active_cred=0xfffff8019928bd00, td=0x1) at vnode_if.h:448 #17 0xffffffff8085ecdf in devfs_ioctl_f (fp=0x0, com=131072, data=0x0, cred=0x4000, td=0xfffff8001509a500) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/fs/devfs/devfs_vnops.c:789 #18 0xffffffff8098ed7b in kern_ioctl (td=, fd=, com=3225184658, data=0xfffffe0466ba69b0 "vcxl0") at file.h:327 #19 0xffffffff8098ea71 in sys_ioctl (td=0xfffff8001509a500, uap=0xfffffe0466ba6b10) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/kern/sys_generic.c:746 #20 0xffffffff80d57825 in amd64_syscall (td=, traced=0) at subr_syscall.c:135 #21 0xffffffff80d3954b in Xfast_syscall () at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRPcur/FreeBSD/src/sys/amd64/amd64/exception.S:396 #22 0x000000080100e5ca in ?? () Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?) Current language: auto; currently minimal ==== Generate a panic on a hang/freeze system ==== If your system didn't panic but freeze, you can generate a panic by sending a Non Maskable Interupt (NMI) by IPMI (chassis power diag). ipmitool -I lanplus -H SERVER -U USER -P PASSWORD chassis power diag ==== Kernel live debugging ==== You need to install debug symbols first, then: [root@router]~# kgdb /boot/kernel/kernel /dev/mem GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD] Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "amd64-marcel-freebsd"... Reading symbols from /boot/kernel/if_lagg.ko...Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug//boot/kernel/if_lagg.ko.symbols...done. done. Loaded symbols for /boot/kernel/if_lagg.ko #0 sched_switch (td=0xffffffff8156b140, newtd=, flags=) at /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRP/FreeBSD/src/sys/kern/sched_ule.c:1945 1945 /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRP/FreeBSD/src/sys/kern/sched_ule.c: No such file or directory. in /usr/local/BSDRP/BSDRP/FreeBSD/src/sys/kern/sched_ule.c (kgdb) ptype ifindex_table[5]->ife_ifnet type = struct ifnet { void *if_softc; void *if_l2com; struct vnet *if_vnet; struct { struct ifnet *tqe_next; struct ifnet **tqe_prev; } if_link; char if_xname[16]; const char *if_dname; int if_dunit; u_int if_refcount; struct ifaddrhead if_addrhead; int if_pcount; struct carp_if *if_carp; struct bpf_if *if_bpf; u_short if_index; short if_index_reserved; struct ifvlantrunk *if_vlantrunk; int if_flags; int if_capabilities; int if_capenable; void *if_linkmib; ---Type to continue, or q to quit---q Quit (kgdb) ===== Going further ===== BSDRP is a FreeBSD, then you need to read how to configure a FreeBSD for using it. Here is a list of useful documentations: * [[Documentation:Examples|BSDRP Examples]] * [[http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/|FreeBSD Handbook]]: * [[http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-bridging.html|Bridging]] * [[http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-aggregation.html|Link Aggregation and Failover]] * [[http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls-pf.html|Alternate Queuing]] * [[http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-ipv6.html | IPv6]] * [[http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi|FreeBSD Man Pages]] * [[http://www.netbsd.org/gallery/presentations/ast/2012_AsiaBSDCon/Tutorial_NETGRAPH.pdf|Introduction to NETGRAPH on FreeBSD Systems]] * [[https://frrouting.org/user-guide/|FRRouting user guide]] * [[http://bird.network.cz/?get_doc&f=bird.html|Bird user manual]] ===== Advanced customization ===== ==== Scripts ==== The root filesystem is in read-only mode, then you can't modify or create your own script on it. For modify the existing script (don't forget to send us your improvement), use the "data" partition. Here is an example for customizing the config script: mount /data cp /usr/local/bin/config /data vi /data/config Now you can add your great patches to config script. And test it: sh /data/config Then, don't forget to umount the /data partition: umount /data ==== System ==== You can modify the full filesystem by re-mount the active slice in read-write mode: mount -uw / Now you can modify all files or removing/installing package. Here is how to remove ucarp as example: [root@router]~# pkg info | grep ucarp ucarp- Userlevel Common Address Redundancy Protocol [root@router]~# pkg remove ucarp Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0 packages in the universe): Installed packages to be REMOVED: ucarp- Number of packages to be removed: 1 Proceed with deinstalling packages? [y/N]: y [1/1] Deinstalling ucarp- [1/1] Deleting files for ucarp- 0% pkg: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ucarp different from original checksum, not removing [1/1] Deleting files for ucarp- 100% After your changes, re-mount it in read-only mode: mount -ur / But warning: All your changes (with the exception of /boot/loader.conf.local) will be lost after an upgrade! ===== Improving forwarding speed ==== Check the [[Documentation:Technical docs:Performance|FreeBSD forwarding Performance]] page for more information.